Sunday, March 6, 2011

"Friends in law"

Suddenly feel like writing bout my experience within the couple of years as a Law student. Banyak actually memories within this 2 years (more or less) kat Uitm. The one thing that I really appreciate being able to know wonderful people from various different background.

Memula skali time registration, Abg Zaidi is the first person tegur. Time tuh baru lps amik picture tuk matrik card. Siap exchanged name card laei ok that time. Then terjumpe TT just before balik. We exchanged number.

First class, time tuh Naim is the one who sent me right in front of my class room door. Dah la tak pi orientation which were conducted just before the class... the truth is, I don’t even know there was a briefing... ;) masuk je class at that time, obviously semua dah ader lam class, and when i was looking around nak pikir nak dok mana, nmk abg zaidi dok waving his hand at me. So pi la dok kat blkg dia. Tapi after that, second half, TT ajak dok ngan dia kat depan. Since that mmg dok ngan dia jer, until now. :D

Lepas tuh, kalau tak silap mase 1st class contract, kenal ngan Bed. Bed and I, slalu dtg class awal (semangat first sem kan?? Tapi Bed still dtg awal to class until now.. hehe).  After that baru start kenal other people, Kak Leeya, Ima, Syidah, Alpha, Kak Liza, Fiza, etc etc..... semua mmg besttt!!!!

Tapi first sem, mmg haram tak kenal any of the guys kecuali abg Zaidi. Sebut la nama saper pun, mmg I blur jer la.. first sem dulu cam ader trend, which is a lil strange to me. The boys semua slalu duduk at one corner and the girls at another corner. Rase cam attend ceramah agama plak kan??... hehehe.. So cam ne nak kenal kan?? ;)

Tapi skrg dah kenal dah. Tapi cara berkenalan pun agak pelik. Ada yang tetiba tegur kat YM time tgh study for final 2nd sem, ader plak yg first mule kenal sbb add kat FB, ader tuh baru ujung last sem start ckp ngan dia kut, tuh pun kat FB chat, but now dah start ckp ngan dia lam class gak. Ader yg mmg sampai skrg tak tegur tegur I lam class kut. Bile la agaknye nak tegur ye??? Kite tgu je ye... !! :D The guys in my class ramai malu malu kut.. kut la.. hehehehe ~~peace~~  

BTW, some of the guys in my class are – Amir, Abg Zainal, Fadhli, Abg Asri, Iskandar, Shazuan, Rashid, Fizan, Abg Roslan, ninja (erkkk, tuh class lain.. hehhee)  and... rase cam ader laei, nnt I igt I tambah la ye.. ;)

Ada yg mase baru kenal single, skrg dah kawin and ada anak dah ok.... congrates Syidah!!
Ada plak yg dpt rezeki baby baru.... congrates Kak Liza and abg Asri.
And dgr dgr, ada yg bakal naik pelamin... kita tgu jer ok....!! hehehhee

Bottom line is, this is my classmates, sama ada slalu tegur atau tak, slalu lepak skali atau tak, I hope to grad skali ngan depa semua.....  tapi skrg ramai yg dah class lain lain... amik subject lain lain.... tapi hope fully subject mooting and wat honours nanti leh wat skali ngan semua..... Insyaallah...!!!

Teringin nak upload picture each and every one of them kat blog nih..... eerrrmmmm... maybe I will !!

~~ Till Next Time~~

1 comment:

bed : said...

hahahaha, i pun ingat cerita ni ;))
it was one of the best moments in my life :)

nice to meet you, my beloved friend in law, didie :)

harap kita semua grad sekali!