Thursday, November 24, 2011

Favor, Karma & Friendship ..


Today, Naim & I went for our compulsory HIV Test.. and the outcome is as predicted à NON-Reactive. In other words, we are clean from HIV. Alhamdulillah. ;)

But, that is not why I’m writing today. Let’s talk about “FAVOR” today. Those who have known me for sometimes knew that, I’m the kind of person who finds it difficult to say “NO” to anyone, especially when I know them. So, normally when people ask my favour, I’ll do anything in my power to grant them the favour. And when I do grant them the favour as requested, I don’t normally ask anything back in return. BUT, it is nice to know they appreciate it and not just take it for granted. 

No matter what people say, I do believe in KARMA. If we do something good, eventually good things will happen to us and vice versa.  So, I try my best to not hate people and also to forgive one’s wrong-doing, even when it is hard to forget. Usually, when I’m not that found of someone and it is getting close to hating that person, I would keep my distance and try to avoid any kind interaction with that person. This is to prevent myself from hating that person.  And so far, in my life, there’s no one person who I hate but there’s by far, 2 person  that I can’t stand  in my life. The reason why I can’t stand them is self-justifiable.
Back to “favour” again. This time let’s talk in terms of “FRIENDSHIP”.  I just couldn’t understand those people who are in a position to be called friend but cannot even say “hi” to my face whenever we cross path, but have the “courage” to ask for assistance whenever they feel like it. And the best part is, they couldn’t even ask it face-to-face. I mean, how “heroic” one must be to ask favour from someone, when they can’t even say one word to; face-to-face. And even when I assisted them, as soon as they get what they want, I won’t hear from them again until the next time they need a favour.

So, here’s a thought. I would LOVE to assist anyone (if I can), as long as the next time you see me, perhaps walking down the stairs or getting in or out of my car, or sitting in my office, or when we’re in the same room,  try talking to me or a simple “hi Dee” will do. Try being a friend, cause I’m willing to give you the” benefit of a doubt”.   I think that is reasonable. Yes? Cause, honestly, I can’t make peace with myself for refusing (in purpose) to help a person when I knew I can help them. Unless, you are a perfect stranger; I have never know you in my life and there’s no one else you could ask and you are not a con-man/woman… then it would be a different case all together.

~~Till Next Time~~ ;)

Thursday, November 10, 2011

When it was all lies.. It can never be REAL..!

We ain't got no past..
and Hell, we ain't got no future
history you say?
hate to break it to you, but..
all we had was a bunch of lies laid on a bed of egoes..
you. me. and all who had pretended to care.
history can't be created based on lies..
so, do us all a favor and wake up.
open your eyes.
see who's next to you.
cause that is CURRENT.
that is REAL.
and believe me when I say,
it ain't gonna get any better than that.

~~Something that I wrote in my journal few months back, just to remind myself to live in the current, and always keep it real and that lies will always be lies, thus no matter how hard we try, or how much it hurts, It will never be true.~~