Thursday, November 10, 2011

When it was all lies.. It can never be REAL..!

We ain't got no past..
and Hell, we ain't got no future
history you say?
hate to break it to you, but..
all we had was a bunch of lies laid on a bed of egoes..
you. me. and all who had pretended to care.
history can't be created based on lies..
so, do us all a favor and wake up.
open your eyes.
see who's next to you.
cause that is CURRENT.
that is REAL.
and believe me when I say,
it ain't gonna get any better than that.

~~Something that I wrote in my journal few months back, just to remind myself to live in the current, and always keep it real and that lies will always be lies, thus no matter how hard we try, or how much it hurts, It will never be true.~~

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