Thursday, October 6, 2011

A Day Of Exhaustion ..


Today - 06.10.2011.

3am - 4.30am = Sleep
4.30am - 6.45 = Novel / Guitar
6.45am = shower
7.30am = Dress up
8.15am - 8.50am = Shah Alam Stamp Office - Stamping of SPA
9.20am - 10.15am = KL Syariah Court - Application for Faraid
10.45am = Post Office sentul - Sent notice via AR Reg. & Cert. of Posting
11.15am = Bank - do some banking stuff
11.50am = Selayang - to serve notice
12.30 = Gombak Land Office - Consent to transfer & Charge from bumi to non bumi
1.20pm = Lunch with papa at selayang baru
2pm= Client's office at Selayang - Appointment on land matters
3pm = Office. -C.T.C some doc. Non-stop of attending phone calls. replied some emails. set some interviews dates.
4pm = Perkim jln ipoh, Appointment with a client
4.30pm=head back to shah alam
4.45pm=car temp shoot up to max. luckily I'm at a Shell Station. Let it cool down, then pour some water and check engine oil and check fan.
5pm = car seems ok. try to hit the road again before heavy traffics.
5.45pm = reach home and car seems ok.
6.15pm = K. Watie pick me up to class.
6.40pm = attend class with a headache and a tired eyes and blurry brain.
8pm = makan with K.Watie and Aim at Old Town White Coffee sect. 7. The Food was terrible. Remind myself to not go there anymore.
10pm = Reach home. Aim sent me back home.
10.50pm = typing this
11pm = shower
11.30 = PENGSAN .....

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