Tuesday, May 20, 2014

My Consciousness on ULTRAS.

Holla Peeps...

I bet a lot of you guys out there knows about the existence of the 'ULTRAS', but I'm a total alien to this until few days back when I was doing my stalking activity on Mr. Don a.k.a Oren Sprite. This entry is however not about him.. because that would take forever for me to write. This entry is about my FIRST perspective on the ULTRAS in Malaysia.

Who are they? What They Do? Their Chants? Their passions towards football and their unconditional dedication towards the team they support.The idea of the whole fan-club-like, supporting the team that they truly believe in, in this case is somehow patriotic. Why? They are mostly supporting the team representing a state they are from, or their country.

Patriotism is good but when it comes to healthy competition, patriotism may ruin it on some level when some people just over do it. From what I was served by the Youtube and by Mr. Google, supporting becomes not just chanting encouraging positive words anymore, which helps in the spirit boosters but it takes chanting and supporting in a whole different level and gives healthy competition a whole different meaning and patriotism a whole different perspective - it is a spirit booster alright! It boost aggressiveness along side with provocation for hatred.

I might be a dreamer or idealistic in this matter, but my first thought was, what happen to healthy peaceful cheering? where we can have a decent disagreement on the stadium bench against the team at other side of the stadium and still have the consciousness to make peace after the match instead of taking it outside the stadium to prolong what can be ended when the game end and any sorrow should have just be left behind in the stadium. I've also came to learned that, some of this provocation of hatred started long even before the match's day.

Nevertheless, After doing some thinking, I came to realized now, that at some point, this patriotism is needed in our country especially in the heart and soul of the young generation. This are the people who will stand tall defending the nation's pride as they possess courage and a built-in fighting spirit for what they love and cherish.

Thus, I came to conclude that, every white must have black spots and every black shall also come with  white spots... just keep the violence in necessity mode and the vulgar words away from kids ears. You stand tall on what you believe in ULTRAS... and May all the good things rest on your path. ;)

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