Monday, May 23, 2011

Laughter is the Best Medicine ....

Butcher goes to lawyer's office and asks, "if a dog running unleashed steals a piece of meat from my store, do I have a right to demand payment for the meat from the dog's owner?"

The lawyer answers, "Absolutely."

"Then you owe me $8.50. Your dog was loose and stole a roast from me today."

The lawyer, without a word, writes the butcher a check for $8.50 [attorneys don't carry cash -- it's too plebeian -- and the butcher hadn't brought the shop's credit card imprinter to the lawyer's office].

Several periods of time later -- it could be the next day but that would be unrealistic -- the butcher opens the mail and finds an envelope from the lawyer: $20 due for a consultation.

Interesting Origin of Common Legal Expression

Open and Shut Case.

In 1831, Jacob Open and Jack Shut were neighboring. Mr. Open was a pig farmer. He offers to lease a portion of land from Mr. Shut, who raised flax. Since the land was prone to flood it was not suitable for flax. However it was a suitable place for pigs to wallow.

Soon enough, a litter of piglets was birthed. However, since the birth took place upon his neighbour's leased land, Mr. Open deemed the shoats Shut's and refused to make lease payments, arguing his neighbour to be a bona fide pig-chaser for value without notice.

In retaliation, Jack Shut enforced a lien on the land and seized Open's assets. Doing so, however, meant Shut ran afoul of Inland Revenue laws, as the pig profits were not flax-deductible.

To complicate matters, Mr. Shut had been carrying on a four-month affair with Mrs. Open, wife of Jacob and a notorious philanders. Most of the late-night encounters took place on the portion of land in question. When the affairs were finally discovered, it prompted lawyers for Mr. Open to sue for "double trespass," a tort over both his farmland and his wife.

While preliminary proceedings were filed in the circuit court, the matter never went to trial as the night before the evidentiary hearing, Mrs. Open shot and killed both Jacob and Jack, absconded with the money and was never to be found. Lawyers for both parties had no need to carry on.

Hence, when lawyers find themselves overly prepared for a trial, they recall this set of events and deem it an Open v. Shut case.


open-and-shut - so obvious as to be easily solved or decided

~~Till Next Time~~ Da...

Sunday, May 22, 2011

2nd Day of 1st official procedure....


Hi all. Today's kursus is pretty interesting especially on the topics of "pembubaran perkahwinan" and "procedure perkahwinan". 


Did you guys know that, if the husband lafaz talak ---->>> " Aku Ceraikan kau dengan talak 1000", means that dia jatuh talak 3 terus??


If the Husband says " Sekiranya kau keluar dari pintu depan ini, aku ceraikan kau " . Sampai bila pun the wife cannot keluar from that pintu depan. if she does, jatuh la talak atas dia. And if the husband wants to withdraw his lafaz taklik tadi, he has to runtuhkan the door and build a new one. 

Info 3:

A woman has to seek for permission from husband if she wants to work. Gaji wife is hak wife itu sendiri. Suami cannot take her money unless with her permission. Thus, the phrase used by many woman,  " your money is my money, my money is my money" ---> is not that all wrong.. hehehehe

If you guys wanna join kursus organized by this team ---> check out their link here---->>   

here's some pictures ..... ;)

@ home while waiting for Mr. Jack

7.00am.. On our way to mont kiara

Breakfast First at The Leaf

Siarra & Dinderk Kursus Kahwin

In the class room morning session..

One of the most Interesting topic....It's good to know. :D

Mr. Jack sibuk sembang ngan organizer.


Lunch Time

walking distance... 

After Lunch Session.... 

Last Topic... 7pm - The End.

Yeay..!!! I finally got my sijil kursus kahwin..!!! ;)

Till Next Time!! da!!

Hukum Meminang atas Pinangan Orang... (Sharing)



Sabda Rasulullah SAW:

 نَهَى النَّبِيُّ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ أَنْ يَبِيْعَ بَعْضُكُمْ عَلَى بَيْعِ بَعْضٍ، وَلاَ يَخْطُبَ الرَّجُلُ عَلَى خِطْبَةِ أَخِيْهِ، حَتَّى يَتْرُكَ الْخَاطِبُ قَبْلَهُ أَوْ يَأْذَنَ لَهُ الْخَاطِبُ

 “Nabi Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam melarang sebagian kalian membeli apa yang dibeli saudaranya, dan Janganlah seorang lelaki meminang atas pinangan saudaranya, sehinggalah peminang sebelumnya meninggalkannya atau mengizinkan kepadanya”

Hukumnya Haram.

Thus, The Phrase " May The Best Man Win " should NOT be used in the situation where a woman is already engaged or been ask for her hand in marriage by some other man.

Till Next Time....
~~Yang Baik Itu Datang Dari Allah S.W.T, dan Yang Buruk Itu dari Saya sendiri. So please do correct me if I'm wrong.~~

Saturday, May 21, 2011

1st day of 1st official procedure.....


It's been a while since I posted anything on my "virtual room". Well, final exam for 5th semester is finally over. Actually it's been over bout 2 weeks now. Next semester will not start until September, so I'm using all this time I have to focus on the Firm.

Forget bout study and work for a minute here. For a while now, mom n dad has been lecturing me to start working on the wedding preparation. I've been delaying it with excuses like; "I'm busy with classes" and "I got exam coming up soon". but since Exam is over, I'm out of idea for anymore excuses. Hence, we (my Fiancée and  I) decided to attend the compulsory "kursus kahwin" this weekend. FYI, Aim is attending for the 2nd time since I refused to attend by myself. :D

The kursus, organized by private company located at Solaris Mont Kiara. Sijil certified from JAWI and there's 6 speaker certified from JAKIM. Kursus is for 1 1/2 day. Today was our 1st day. The 1st speaker covered the topics of "Ibadat" and "Akidah" and 2nd speaker covered the topics "Akhlak" and "Conflict / Stress". Ironically, both speaker is from Kelantan and they were cool. They joke a lot, especially the 2nd speaker. However, what they lecture is not what we don't already knew. It's pretty general knowledge. I guess the whole purpose for the kursus is just to refresh our memories on what we already knew.

Unfortunately, I didn't manage to take any pictures in the class room (will take it tomorrow), but there's few pictures taken before the kursus starts and during tea break time.

Dee in "Tudung" ... hehhehee

At home while waiting for Aim to pick me up... ;)

On our way..... 

After Registration. Having our lunch @ delifrance before class starts. 

This was at SOHO KL during tea break. Our kursus was being held at one of the office premises at the background.

Tea Break at Coffee Beans just across the road. 

p/s: Tomorrow's class starts at 9am till 7pm. Gosh!! . Will try to take some pictures in the class room.

~~Till Next Time~~ Daa~~~

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Reverse Psychology.....

Dee : Is there anything you want me to change once we get married?

Aim : Like what?

Dee : Like my dressing style? Do I need to wear hijab?

Aim : Don't worry too much bout that. You come around it once you're ready. Just be the
         good person you always are and just remember one single thing -  I'LL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR

I got the message that he is impliedly saying and I wouldn't want him to be the one to answer for all my wrong doing........


Suami merupakan ketua rumahtangga, dan suami bertanggungjawab untuk memberikan segala nafkah kepada isterinya. Di antara tanggungjawab yang penting ialah memberikan didikan agama kepada isteri dan anak-anaknya supaya tidak berlaku perkara-perkara yang dilarang oleh Islam di dalam rumahtangganya.

Segala dosa yang dilakukan oleh isteri dan anak-anaknya akan ditanggung oleh mereka sendiri dan tidak dipertanggungjawabkan kepada suami atau orang lain. Walaubagaimanapun Suami atau ayah akan menanggung dosa kecuaiannya kerana tidak mendidik isteri dan anak-anaknya ke jalan yang benar iaitu Islam. 

Firman Allah yang bermaksud :
“Katakanlah: "(Sesudah Aku mentauhidkan Allah dan berserah diri kepadaNya) Patutkah Aku mencari Tuhan selain Allah, padahal Dia lah Tuhan bagi tiap-tiap sesuatu? dan tiadalah (kejahatan) Yang diusahakan oleh tiap-tiap seorang melainkan orang itulah sahaja Yang menanggung dosanya; dan seseorang Yang boleh memikul tidak akan memikul dosa perbuatan orang lain (bahkan dosa usahanya sahaja); kemudian kepada Tuhan kamulah tempat kamu kembali, lalu ia menerangkan kepada kamu akan apa Yang kamu berselisihan padanya.” (Al-An’am : 164)

Suami yang memberikan didikan agama dan teguran kepada isteri dan anak-anaknya supaya jangan melakukan perkara-perkara yang dimurkai Allah dan mematuhi segala peraturan Islam, tetapi isteri dan anak-anaknya tetap melakukan perkara dosa juga, maka di sini suami tersebut terlepas dari dosa kecuaiannya, kerana suami tersebut telah menunaikan tanggungjawabnya sebagai ketua keluarga.

“Wahai orang-orang yang beriman jauhkanlah dirimu dan ahli keluargamu dari azab api neraka”.


~~Till Next Time~~