According to Mr. Syuk, in the context of criminal law, intention alone with absent of actus rea shall confer no criminal liabilities with exceptions under certain provision stating otherwise.
I bet each and every one of us, in our lifetime, at least once..... the thought of killing or hurting someone in particular had come across our mind. This is especially when we had bad experience in the dealings with that particular someone....
During his lecture, when discussing this, he pointed out to me and ask "how many times have you feel like killing someone?" hehehehe..... I wanted to answer "NEVER" but when I think bout it, there used to be one particular someone, if I were to answer his question honestly. (thanks to Mr. A, for reminding me.. :p) But not to the extend of killing but the thought of hurting him seems to be satisfying at that particular time. unfortunately it was only a thought!!!! :p I guess, I was damn mad at that time.
But, Dee being Dee.... will never be mad at a person for long. would always remind myself what my dad once told me - to always forgive but never to forget..... dont want to be fooled the second time rite?? life is a circle... what goes around, comes around.... as far as im concerned, im open for friendship if it is offer to me with sincerity and honesty....
To that particular someone, "A Friend, I'll be, if A Friend is what it will always be... Honest, sincere and loyal"
~~Till Next Time~~ Daa~~~~
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Hot Dates!!!!!
(wah bagi salam ni..!!!)
Guess what??? The final examination's dates is out...!!!! My first paper will be on the 27th of April and last paper will be on 9th of May..... there's 3-5 days gap for each paper... FUhhhh!!! I'm damn relieved... wouldn't want any 2 papers to be on the same day.. Below are the exam schedule for the subjects I'm sitting for.... and for those taking the same subject... this is for your easy reference.... I know it can be troublesome in most occasion to view through the official website. ~~wink~~wink~~
Law of Administration - 27.04.11, Wednesday (2.15pm)
Criminal Law 1 - 30.04.11, Saturday (9 a.m)
Law of Associations - 05.05.11, Thursday (9 a.m)
Intellectual Property 1 - 09.05.11, Monday (9 a.m)
NOW, gotta get back to my assignment for Admin law.... daa~~~
~~Till Next Time~~
(wah bagi salam ni..!!!)
Guess what??? The final examination's dates is out...!!!! My first paper will be on the 27th of April and last paper will be on 9th of May..... there's 3-5 days gap for each paper... FUhhhh!!! I'm damn relieved... wouldn't want any 2 papers to be on the same day.. Below are the exam schedule for the subjects I'm sitting for.... and for those taking the same subject... this is for your easy reference.... I know it can be troublesome in most occasion to view through the official website. ~~wink~~wink~~
Law of Administration - 27.04.11, Wednesday (2.15pm)
Criminal Law 1 - 30.04.11, Saturday (9 a.m)
Law of Associations - 05.05.11, Thursday (9 a.m)
Intellectual Property 1 - 09.05.11, Monday (9 a.m)
NOW, gotta get back to my assignment for Admin law.... daa~~~
~~Till Next Time~~
Saturday, March 26, 2011
AAArrrrrggggggggHHHHHHH.... Test, Asignments.. FINALS!!!!!
It's been a while since I updated my so called "Virtual Room". Had been sick for the past couple of days. Nothing serious tho. Low BP and some other minor sickness.
Well, this is the thing. It's gonna be less then a month before my finals and it's time to really start hitting the books and crack my head and loads my brain with knowledge of 4 subjects. I'm starting out with Admin law since there's tons to read. So far I've finished the chapter on "subsidiary legislation" and hope to finish 3 more chapters by tomorrow. OMG!!! need to do my take home test for Admin Law tonight!!!
And, there'll be another test for Admin Law on the 7th and assignment which will be given next week, Criminal take home test coming up next week, Intellectual Property's assignments also will be given next week and Law of Associations' test has yet to be confirmed the date. Goshhhh!!!! Freakin out already!!! Wish me luck people!!!!
Da~~~~ Till Next Time~~
It's been a while since I updated my so called "Virtual Room". Had been sick for the past couple of days. Nothing serious tho. Low BP and some other minor sickness.
Well, this is the thing. It's gonna be less then a month before my finals and it's time to really start hitting the books and crack my head and loads my brain with knowledge of 4 subjects. I'm starting out with Admin law since there's tons to read. So far I've finished the chapter on "subsidiary legislation" and hope to finish 3 more chapters by tomorrow. OMG!!! need to do my take home test for Admin Law tonight!!!
And, there'll be another test for Admin Law on the 7th and assignment which will be given next week, Criminal take home test coming up next week, Intellectual Property's assignments also will be given next week and Law of Associations' test has yet to be confirmed the date. Goshhhh!!!! Freakin out already!!! Wish me luck people!!!!
Da~~~~ Till Next Time~~
Friday, March 18, 2011
Frisky Child With Big Cheeky Grins
Singing, Dancing, Running On The Greens
Free World, Free Soul, Free Dreams
Lay Ahead Upon Their Jolly Screams
No Worries, No Worries
My little kin
Mommy will always be your shield
Up to my final breath and not until
One Pause….. Explode
One Pause…. Silence
One Pause…. Shudder
One Pause.... GONE.
Shields’ Eyes Wide Open
Wide Wide Open with No Stares
No Glares… No Lives…..
Little Kin kneel beside the shield
Motionless …
Powerless and Soulless
No More Glee
No More Grin
Simply Sad Sad Cry
With Dry Dry Tears
Fill In The Air With Evil Fears
No Reason To Rhyme
No Season To Soar
No Eyes Can Shine
Only Silence That Roar
Pray My Kin
My Enchanting Kin
Sheer Beams May Shine Again
Upon Life With a New Begin
![]() |
Below The Lamplight @ Dee's Nerdy Room |
note: This was written when Dee's waiting for her Dad's routine check up at a hospital. Was reading a book on War while waiting and there was couple of kids running playfully, Doctors and nurses discussing calmly, girls gossiping and guys joking with their peers, teenagers with their iPhones. Suddenly it occur to Dee.... what if at that very moment there was an attack by enemy....?? war?? like what's happening to the other part of the world?? what if that happen to us?? In one pause, things could be different... and the one thing that makes her all teary, is when she imagine what would happen to the kids??? who will protect them?? if they survive, what will their future be like??? Ya Allah... Lindungi la anak anak kami ..... Amin..
Sunday, March 13, 2011
A Gentleman's Treat.... ;)
For This Post... I'll Let The picture Do most of the "talking"....
Location: Bubba Gump Shrimp @ E-Curve Mutiara Damansara
Description: Aim @ Jack 's treat ... He took us here for dinner... we came home super full.. Thanks Aim!!!
Location: Bubba Gump Shrimp @ E-Curve Mutiara Damansara
Description: Aim @ Jack 's treat ... He took us here for dinner... we came home super full.. Thanks Aim!!!
~~ Till Next Time ~~
A Perfect Saturday Night...!!!
Invitation 1
Friend No. 1: "Dee, Lets Teh Tarik At Bangsar Tonite!!"
Dee: "Driving All The Way To Bangsar Just For A Teh Tarik??... Errmmm, I Think I'll Pass..."
Invitation 2
Friend No. 2: " The Girls heading to The Library E-Curve.... make sure we'll see your As* there"
Dee: "haha... I've retired from goin to clubs unless there's special occasion, remember?? will catch you girls some other time!!. "
Invitation 3
Friend No. 3: "Babe, we're chilin at *** place tonite. BBQ-ing at pool side. come and join... haven seen you like for ages..."
Dee: " Yeah. Kindda Miss you guys too... I'll See if I can Make it.."
Invitation 4
Friends No. 4: "Oit... Jom Movie tonite then lepak KJ makan2"
Dee: "malas lor... aku streaming movie kat umah je.... lain kali ok"
Wanna know what's Dee's Idea of a Perfect Saturday Night????
Chilin at my Room with a good book, a cup of hot chocolate and a slice of Secret Recipe's Blueberry Cheesecake with P.Ramlee's Music as an ear-candy...... PERFECT...!!!!!
p/s: Sorry Guys, Really miss hanging out with you guys... But,not tonite.... LOVE YA!!!
~~Till Next Time~~
Friend No. 1: "Dee, Lets Teh Tarik At Bangsar Tonite!!"
Dee: "Driving All The Way To Bangsar Just For A Teh Tarik??... Errmmm, I Think I'll Pass..."
Invitation 2
Friend No. 2: " The Girls heading to The Library E-Curve.... make sure we'll see your As* there"
Dee: "haha... I've retired from goin to clubs unless there's special occasion, remember?? will catch you girls some other time!!. "
Invitation 3
Friend No. 3: "Babe, we're chilin at *** place tonite. BBQ-ing at pool side. come and join... haven seen you like for ages..."
Dee: " Yeah. Kindda Miss you guys too... I'll See if I can Make it.."
Invitation 4
Friends No. 4: "Oit... Jom Movie tonite then lepak KJ makan2"
Dee: "malas lor... aku streaming movie kat umah je.... lain kali ok"
Wanna know what's Dee's Idea of a Perfect Saturday Night????
Chilin at my Room with a good book, a cup of hot chocolate and a slice of Secret Recipe's Blueberry Cheesecake with P.Ramlee's Music as an ear-candy...... PERFECT...!!!!!
p/s: Sorry Guys, Really miss hanging out with you guys... But,not tonite.... LOVE YA!!!
~~Till Next Time~~
Sunday, March 6, 2011
"Friends in law"
Suddenly feel like writing bout my experience within the couple of years as a Law student. Banyak actually memories within this 2 years (more or less) kat Uitm. The one thing that I really appreciate being able to know wonderful people from various different background.
Memula skali time registration, Abg Zaidi is the first person tegur. Time tuh baru lps amik picture tuk matrik card. Siap exchanged name card laei ok that time. Then terjumpe TT just before balik. We exchanged number.
First class, time tuh Naim is the one who sent me right in front of my class room door. Dah la tak pi orientation which were conducted just before the class... the truth is, I don’t even know there was a briefing... ;) masuk je class at that time, obviously semua dah ader lam class, and when i was looking around nak pikir nak dok mana, nmk abg zaidi dok waving his hand at me. So pi la dok kat blkg dia. Tapi after that, second half, TT ajak dok ngan dia kat depan. Since that mmg dok ngan dia jer, until now. :D
Lepas tuh, kalau tak silap mase 1st class contract, kenal ngan Bed. Bed and I, slalu dtg class awal (semangat first sem kan?? Tapi Bed still dtg awal to class until now.. hehe). After that baru start kenal other people, Kak Leeya, Ima, Syidah, Alpha, Kak Liza, Fiza, etc etc..... semua mmg besttt!!!!
Tapi first sem, mmg haram tak kenal any of the guys kecuali abg Zaidi. Sebut la nama saper pun, mmg I blur jer la.. first sem dulu cam ader trend, which is a lil strange to me. The boys semua slalu duduk at one corner and the girls at another corner. Rase cam attend ceramah agama plak kan??... hehehe.. So cam ne nak kenal kan?? ;)
Tapi skrg dah kenal dah. Tapi cara berkenalan pun agak pelik. Ada yang tetiba tegur kat YM time tgh study for final 2nd sem, ader plak yg first mule kenal sbb add kat FB, ader tuh baru ujung last sem start ckp ngan dia kut, tuh pun kat FB chat, but now dah start ckp ngan dia lam class gak. Ader yg mmg sampai skrg tak tegur tegur I lam class kut. Bile la agaknye nak tegur ye??? Kite tgu je ye... !! :D The guys in my class ramai malu malu kut.. kut la.. hehehehe ~~peace~~
BTW, some of the guys in my class are – Amir, Abg Zainal, Fadhli, Abg Asri, Iskandar, Shazuan, Rashid, Fizan, Abg Roslan, ninja (erkkk, tuh class lain.. hehhee) and... rase cam ader laei, nnt I igt I tambah la ye.. ;)
Ada yg mase baru kenal single, skrg dah kawin and ada anak dah ok.... congrates Syidah!!
Ada plak yg dpt rezeki baby baru.... congrates Kak Liza and abg Asri.
And dgr dgr, ada yg bakal naik pelamin... kita tgu jer ok....!! hehehhee
Bottom line is, this is my classmates, sama ada slalu tegur atau tak, slalu lepak skali atau tak, I hope to grad skali ngan depa semua..... tapi skrg ramai yg dah class lain lain... amik subject lain lain.... tapi hope fully subject mooting and wat honours nanti leh wat skali ngan semua..... Insyaallah...!!!
Teringin nak upload picture each and every one of them kat blog nih..... eerrrmmmm... maybe I will !!
~~ Till Next Time~~
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Eat, Love & Friendship....... ;)
Craving for spaghetti and pizza, TT and I decided to have our dinner at our favorite Italian restaurant, none other than "Italiannies". And because we have a crazy appetite but knew we won't be able to finish the big portion served, we agreed on inviting Aim along.....
~~ Till Next Time~~
~~~ EAT...~~~
Complimentary Bread served with olive oil and vinegar
~~ A perfect start~~
Mushroom Soup - thick texture with chunk of mushroom inside
Spaghetti Meatball
~~ Our Personal Favorite~~
Grape & Tropical sunrise Smoothies
~~ just the way we like it - not too sweet~~
Forgot the name of the pizza... but It was YUMMMYYY..!!!
~~ Till Next Time~~
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
D's Date with Fiancee
A typical Date with my fiancee is nothing less than a very special moment of our time together....... people said that once you get engaged there's many obstacle that will come in your path. This is undeniably true. I think the best way to overcome this obstacles - whatever it is, we must be sure of our choice and have faith in our love. Pray to Allah S.W.T that our love be blessed with long love till marriage and till the end. Insyaallah.
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